
May 3, 1680

May 3, 1680

Lady Luck strikes again. Won another pot due to Liars Dice. I'll be hip deep in veg for the next week. I even scored a few biscuits. No, not ships biscuits. Gingerbread. I nearly swooned when I took my first bite in years. 

Went by the Guardhouse to see if there was any new billings. Ironfist is still listed last seen in the Spanish colonies. Bet the Redguard would see red if they knew he was just 200 leagues South of the Fort. 

April 27, 1680


April 27, 1680
At port.
Managed a few shillings and bought myself a good sized jug of cider. Borrowed a skift and made my way to a sand bar just south of the Port.
I drank and spit roasted some wild bird. 
I'd have chopped off a toe for some dance and music.
Haven't had a twirl since the Captains Missus hosted the yearly parley. 
I plan on sending word to the Captain concerning the new faces expected.
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